Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Zombie video game revies

House of the Dead, 2 and 3: Simple arcade style shooter with no option for weapon advancement. Fun and with some fantastically gory scenes.

Dead Rising: You are a reporter helicoptered in to a mall where an outbreak of zombies are terrorizing the few locals left. I consistently have issues with the controls, but they designed it so you can spend as much time and energy as you wish mercilessly slaughtering zombies with various mall items. My favorite is the hot frying pan.

Left 4 Dead: you and three of your frfiend can fight zombies together! That is, of course, if you can find enough people not made motion sick by the camera in this game. It is really fun, but I need to get over shooting in small places and the sickness that follows if I want to play this game

Resident Evil 5: Long, gory and challenging, the makings of a good game.

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